Sativa vs Indica vs Hybrid Strains

Sativa vs Indica Hybrid Strains

Sativa vs Indica vs Hybrid: Which Strain is Right for You?

Whenever you visit a cannabis dispensary or browse cannabis strains online, you’ll notice that there are three types of cannabis strains: Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid.

Sativa Strains and Indica are the two primary groups of cannabis plants, and their effects and characteristics are different. Most consumers and growers use these weed types to predict effects, but are they accurate?

But the effects of these strains depend on their cannabinoids and terpenes, the chemical compounds of strains. So why do consumers and growers prefer using indica, sativa, and hybrid instead of the cannabinoid and terpene model?


Cannabis plants contain various chemical compounds called cannabinoids.

These naturally derived components produce different types of effects – both positive and negative.

Still, there is a dilemma among the researchers “What exactly do cannabinoids do?” but they have identified two main ones: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).


Terpenes are another naturally occurring chemical compound in the cannabis plant that may impact the effects of cannabis.

Some common terpenes found in cannabis plants are Indica and Sativa. Indica and Sativa are the two primary types of cannabis plants, each with different characteristics and effects when consumed. Here is a basic description of the differences between the two:


Indicas are used for their relaxing effects, they are grown in cold, northern climates. They are short and dense because of their environment and growing condition. Their life cycle is shorter so they can get harvested before the cold and wet of fall and winter set in. Indica strains often have higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC. They are known for their intensely relaxing effects. It may help in reducing nausea and pain and increasing appetite.

Since it gives relaxing effects, so the right time is to consume it at night.


Sativa is popular for its energizing effects. They are found in hot, dry climates with long sunny days. They are tall and thin with finger-like leaves. The average height of these plants is 6 feet to 2 meters. They take more time to mature than other types of cannabis.

Sativa has lower doses of CBD and higher doses of THC. They often produce an energizing or a mind-high effect and reduce anxiety.

Because of its energizing effects, sativa is often used in the daytime. Various sativa strains may be used for different purposes.


Cannabis producers obtain new and unique strains from different combinations of parent plants Indica and Sativa. They are grown on farms or in greenhouses from a combination of Sativa and Indica plants. Its appearance and features depend on its parent plants.

Each hybrid cannabis plants have a unique ratio of the two cannabinoids “THC and CBD”. Hybrids are popular among growers and producers for their unique effects. They are used for reducing anxiety and stress to ease symptoms of chemotherapy or radiation.

Hybrids are classified into three forms- Indica-dominant (indica-dom), Sativa-dominant (sativa-dom), or balanced. They are used in the daytime or night, it depends on the percentage of THC and CBD.

How To Choose Which Cannabis Strains is right for you?

There are many things to consider when you are choosing the right cannabis strain for you, but one of the most convenient methods is understanding their effects by knowing the cannabinoid concentration, and their THC ratio, apart from these you must pay attention to the following characteristics.


To increase the potency of the strains, the cannabinoids are frequently mixed in different ratios. The low lower THC ratio strains have different potency, than those with higher THC ratios.


Marijuana strains come in different flavors such as fruity, spicy, chocolaty, earthy, and more. Before buying any strains focus on the flavor and scent of the cannabis strains you want to consume.


If you are thinking of trying any new strains, and have no idea about their effects, buy in less quantity, and try with a lower dosage, it can help you understand their effects on your body.


The duration of the cannabis strain last can vary from person to person depending on how much amount you consume, and your tolerance level.

Medical History:

If you have any medical conditions or taking any medication, and how they might interact with cannabis. When in doubt, talk to your doctor or a medical professional before trying cannabis. They may have suggestions for you to complement your existing medical or health regimen.

Side Effects and Risks of cannabis strains

Cannabis strains can cause side effects and have certain risks, which may vary depending on an individual’s tolerance level, the specific strain, and the method of consumption. Some common side effects and risks associated with cannabis use are:

  • Dry mouth and eyes:

Cannabis use can cause temporary dryness of the mouth and eyes, which may be uncomfortable for some users.

  • Anxiety: strains in high THC levels, can sometimes cause anxiety, paranoia, or increased heart rate in some users, especially those who have previous anxiety disorder conditions.
  • Dizziness and Lightheadedness:

Some people may feel dizzy or lightheaded in standing up or walking after consuming cannabis strains.

  • Short-Term Memory:

Cannabis use can temporarily impair short-term memory, making it difficult to remember new information or focus on complex tasks.

  • Increase in appetite:

Cannabis strains, especially the Indica strain, can increase appetite. This is not a good sign for those trying to lose or maintain weight.

  • Addiction:

Regular use of cannabis strains can make you addicted, however, cannabis addiction is less common than addiction to other substances.

  • Respiratory Problems:

Smoking cannabis can cause respiratory issues and lung irritation, especially for those who already suffer from respiratory conditions. Using other consumption methods including vaping or edibles, can reduce some of these risks.

However, it is very important to understand that the effects of cannabis strains can vary between individuals, which means not everyone will experience the same side effects or risks. Among these strains, hybrids are most popular among weed lovers because of their combining characteristics of both indica and sativa plants. So, before trying any cannabis strain, consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about potential side effects or risks associated with cannabis use.

Final Thoughts:

Cannabis strains do not tell us the quality of the plant. The effects of each type of cannabis plant are determined by its THC and CBD content, as well as its terpene profile.

While they provide unique effects including energizing, uplifting, and creativity, it’s crucial to consider that there are other factors involved that can change the effects of any s train.

If you are trying a new strain, start with a very small amount first to see how your body reacts. If all goes well, you slowly increase the dose.

Also, keep in mind that individual states have their legislation. So Check your state’s legal status about cannabis. Also, be mindful of other state laws when traveling with cannabis.