How to Make Your Own Delicious Weed Gummies

How to Make Your Own Delicious Weed Gummies

Weed gummies are perhaps our favorite THC-infused sweets. There’s something special about munching on those delicious gummy bears; they resemble the innocent times of childhood and they actually bring that joy back by getting you high just like a decent bar of weed brownies. If you’re looking for something to kick back and relax after work or you just want to try a fun way to medicate — weed gummies will soon become your favorite treat. Once you empty your first bag of dispensary-bought weed gummies, you won’t be able to stop thinking about making your own batch of infused gummy bears at home.

But what’s so special about weed gummies? Aren’t they just regular gummy bears with some THC inside? Nope. There’s actually more to love about these marijuana-infused sweets. Continue reading to find out why we love weed gummies so much.

First Up, Why Make Your Own Weed Gummies?

Well, first of all, you know what you’re putting inside your gummies. Store bought gummy bears are loaded with artificial sugars, flavors, and additives that are far from being healthy.

With homemade snacks, this isn’t a problem because you have full control over the ingredients. This way, you can have a not-so-guilty pleasure and a daily dose of your natural medicine in one. Another reason to make your own wee gummies is easy storage. All you need is toss them in some sugar when done to prevent sticking — then store your gummies in the fridge until they’re ready for consumption.  THC gummies also make dosing much easier because a single gummy doesn’t pack as much THC as a marijuana-infused cookie. But the most important benefit of weed gummies is the way they allow cannabinoids to be absorbed into your system. When you suck on a weed candy, you allow it to melt away slowly. This, in turn, causes cannabinoids to absorb directly into the bloodstream through sublingual membranes under the tongue or between the cheek and gum. Rather than just eating your cannabinoids and forcing them to pass through the liver, you ensure a faster delivery route so that they can get right to work in just a few minutes after ingestion.

Why Make Your Own Weed Gummies

How to Prepare for Making Weed Gummies at Home

Making your own delicious weed gummies is very simple but it requires some prep work. Here’s what you need to get done (in chronological order):

Decarboxylate Your Weed

First things first, you need to prepare your cannabis — otherwise you won’t get high off the gummies. To make sure your weed is psychoactive, you have to decarboxylate it, which means removing a carboxyl atom from THC’s acidic form — THCA. Decarboxylating requires you to grind your weed into smaller bits (but not fine powder), place it over a sheet of parchment paper, and bake it in the oven preheated to 315 F (157 C) for about 40-60 minutes. Once your weed has been decarboxylated, it’s time to infuse it into something. A THC tincture will be the best choice for this job.

Make a Tincture

Time, weed, and alcohol — these are the three essential ingredients for making a tincture.

You want to gather the following items:

  • 1-quart jar
  • 1 ounce of decarbed weed
  • High-proof alcohol such as Everclear

Here’s how to make a tincture in 3 simple steps:


  • Step 1:  Place your decarbed weed in the quart jar and then pour in the alcohol, leaving about an inch of a free room at the top of the jar. Everclear is the most common solvent here, but vodka will also do the trick.
  • Step 2: Screw the lid onto your jar, place the jar in a cool and dark place, and leave it there for at least two weeks up to a few months if you want an extremely potent tincture.
  • Step 3: Taste your tincture after two weeks. If the potency is sufficient, discard the plant matter and pour the remaining liquid into dropper bottles. 

  Make sure to use the tincture responsibly as you make the gummies. Tincture is a concentrated form of cannabis and thus has very high levels of THC.

Gather the Tools

The final step of the prep stage involves gathering all your ingredients in one place. 

You will need:

  • Gummy molds
  • 2-3 teaspoons of your tincture depending on the desired potency
  • 3 tablespoons of raw honey
  • 1 ½ cups of 100% fruit juice or pulp
  • 4 tablespoons of gelatin from grass-fed cattle

Congrats, you’re now armed and ready to make your own delicious weed gummies!

How to Make Your Own Weed Gummies

How to Make Your Own Weed Gummies

As we said, making your own weed gummies is super easy. Below we show you how to do it step-by-step.  

  • Step 1: Pour your juice or pulp into a medium saucepan. Place it over low-medium heat and warm it up — just make sure not to bring it to boil.
  • Step 2: Add the gelatin, gently whisking it into your mixture until fully blended. If you spot any grains or lumps, keep whisking until completely dissolved.
  • Step 3: Taste the mixture. If it isn’t as sweet as you’d like it to be, add some more honey; a tablespoon at a time should be enough to assess if you’ve reached the sweet spot.
  • Step 4: Transfer your gummy mixture into the molds, cover them, and place in the refrigerator for 3–4 hours.
  • Step 5: Remove the gummies from molds and enjoy your THC-infused sweets. Eat one gummy and wait for about an hour. This will give you an idea of how to gauge the dosage to get the most out of its benefits without side-effects.
  • Step 6: Store your gummies in an airtight container in the fridge until you’re ready to take another piece. 

  You may now begin mastering the craft of making your own delicious weed gummies. Just remember to keep their intake in moderation because edibles are tricky when it comes to dosing. Do you make your own weed gummies? What recipes do you use? Let us know in the comments!

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